Students in TK through 8th Grade participate in music class on a weekly basis. Our focus is events such as: the Christmas Program, Parish Festival, Open House, Spring Gala and our Annual Memorial Weekend Parade and Program. Students in 3rd through 8th grade have the option to participate in the after school Colts’ Choir. The Choir performs at all events and leads music at special liturgies. Kindergarten prepares for their Annual Promotion Program, Second Grade prepares for Sacraments, Third and Fifth Grades are our Kazoo and Drum Corps members, Fourth Grade plays hand chimes in Baca’s Bells, and Sixth Grade performs an annual St. Joseph Day/Lenten production. The music program for the Junior High students includes public speaking and presentations as well as digital music software instruction.

The art program is full of fun and interdisciplinary lessons for all students TK-8th grades! Art class is an opportunity for students to learn about art and history, and experiment with many art materials. Painting, drawing, calligraphy, weaving, printing, and sculpting are only a few of the art media used in class. Every student in grades TK-8th has a personal sketchbook in which to draw, practice techniques with new materials, and to take notes. The sketchbooks are known as a place that each student can make “happy mistakes” and practice, practice, practice! Students are even offered the chance to enter art contests, and to display their artwork at school and in public spaces like the Muzeo in Anaheim! Most of all, art class gives students an outlet to express themselves and grow creatively!